Cool Dog Water

Our Mission

We are committed to delivering high quality dog water fountain products, designed and manufactured in the USA.


Spending time outdoors is a healthy experience and is fun when you watch how excited your dog can be in expending the youthful energy that these beautiful animals offer.

Instead of going to the gym after work, take your dog to the dog park and enjoy being outdoors as you both will benefit from the many pet waste stations and park products that allow for a healthy and clean environment. We promise to deliver only Quality products approved by our team.


Our Cool Dog Water Fountains and park products are made in the USA.
These STE model fountains are made from the highest grade of marine rated 316 stainless steel.  This is a higher grade of material than most other water fountains. These fountains carry a limited 5 year warranty.


Cool Dog Pet Drinking Water Fountains are some of the best Dog Water Fountains available on the marketplace. Our quality Architectural Series Dog Water Fountains are excellent for apartments, public parks, dog parks, city parks, veterinary clinics, doggie daycare centers, animal parks, HOA’s, zoo parks and more.


We are constantly researching and sourcing new products and equipment that will improve every dog’s quality of life as well as enhance the bond with their owner. Our goal is to provide our customers and their dogs with the highest quality products in order to promote healthy lifestyles and vigorous exercise play.

Quick and Easy Application Process


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We offer an easy and quick application process for financing on new equipment purchases. The application is short and simplified and we offer competitive rates. This allows you to reserve your revenue for day to day operations while spreading out your investment in pet waste station and park products over time. We offer payment plans for 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 month programs with 90 days no payment required (offers vary during season) to help you get acclimated to the new addition of pet waste station and park products This will allow your facility to provide high end pet waste station and park products that promote a healthy and clean enviornemnt.

Customizable Colors


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We offer a variety of color schemes to help you customize our equipment to your facility’s color palette. We offer a variety of standard colors as well as custom color services as well. Our COLORPLAY™ colored product features and color selection services help you choose a color that best fits your project color scheme. With our COLORPLAY™ services, we will help you select the perfect standard or customized color for your pet waste station and park products. Our COLORPLAY™ system is offered on most of our pet waste station and park products and can be provided in a variety of colors.

Products Made in the United States


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We seek to have all of our products designed, manufactured, sourced and assembled in the United States.